HUSBAND & WIFE. Coffee Drinkers. Adventurers.


Luis Chavez - Film Maker // Photographer // Editor

"Even at a young age I loved taking pictures of the people around me because I love to look through old pictures and reimagine myself in that moment in time. I believe that photography is not only about making people look their best but its also an opportunity to capture moments that can never be reproduced."

Melissa Chavez - Film Maker // Photographer // Consultant 

"I have always been “that friend" who always loved to take photos of absolutely everything and anything. This including the awkward moments that were Junior High dances and poor outfit choices of high school. Photography has and is such a fun way to capture moments that others never want to forget. Starting this business with my better half has been an experience which has allowed us to meet wonderful people and see some beautiful places. It is something we pour our hearts into and will always strive to deliver photos you will love and lets you re-live that adventure."
